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Infrastructure and Energy Storage Team Members



Derek Wadsworthhttps://bios.inl.gov/Lists/Researcher/DisplayOverrideForm.aspx?ID=40Derek WadsworthDerek Wadsworth is relationship manager for Idaho National Laboratory’s Unmanned Aircraft System program. He has represented INL at national conferences, with government agencies (FAA, DOI, DoD, DOT, State of Idaho), and industry/academia partners. He has successfully established a relationship with the Defense Department and secured funding for a multi-year $25 million program. He holds a master’s in mechanical engineering from Purdue University and a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering from Brigham Young University. Before becoming involved with UAS he was manager of INL’s Robotics and Intelligent Systems Department. In 2011 he received the INL Laboratories Director Award.<div class="ExternalClass3943F7D2EDD64BB1A7870F9138A53751"><p>​M.S., Mechanical Engineering - Purdue University</p><p>B.S., Mechanical Engineering - Brigham Young University</p></div><div class="ExternalClass6FECF6CFC2CA41A681CC699B8EB81D2D"><p>"Cooling of a multichip electronic module by means of confined two-dimensional jets of dielectric liquid ", <em>ASME Journal of Heat Transfer</em>, Vol. 112, pp. 891-898, (1990).</p><p> </p><p>"Critical heat flux from a simulated chip to a confined rectangular impinging jet of dielectric fluid", <em>International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer</em>, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 1465-1479, (1991).</p><p> </p><p>"Enhancement of Single-Phase Heat Transfer and Critical Heat Flux From an Ultra-High-Flux Simulated Microelectronic Heat Source to a Rectangular Impinging Jet of Dielectric Liquid", <em>Presented at the ASME/JSME Joint Conference on Electronic Packaging</em>, San Jose, California, April 8-12, 1992.  Paper Received Best Paper Award at the Conference.</p><p> </p><p>"Enhancement of Single-Phase Heat Transfer and Critical Heat Flux From an Ultra-High-Flux Simulated Microelectronic Heat Source to a Rectangular Impinging Jet of Dielectric Liquid", Technical Note, <em>International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer</em>, Vol. 114, No. 3, pp. 764-768, August 1992.</p><p> </p><p>"Phenomena-Based Thermal-Hydraulic Modeling Requirements for Systems Analysis of a Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor," <em>Nuclear Engineering and Design</em>, Vol. 136, No.3, pp. 319-334, August 1992.</p><p> </p><p>"Treating Asphericity in Fuel Particle Pressure Vessel Modeling," <em>Journal of Nuclear Materials</em>, Vol. 211, pp. 57-69, March 1994.</p><p> </p><p>"Computer Assisted Mechanical Separation of Fort St. Vrain Graphite Fuel," Presented at the 8th Annual INEL Computing Symposium, October 4-7, 1994.</p><p> </p><p>"Computer-Automated Fuel Handling System," Presented at the International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Committee Meeting in Albuquerque NM, December 5-9, 1994.</p><p> </p><p>"Fuel Particle Failure Probabilities and Material Strengths Determined From Crush Test Data,"  <em>Nuclear Technology</em>, 1995.</p><p> </p><p>"The Modified Brokk Demolition Machine with Remote Console," International Federation of Automation and Control, 2001.</p><p> </p><p>"Advanced Robotic Technologies for Remote Environmental Surveillance," International Federation of Automation and Control, 2001.</p><p> </p><p>"Autonomous Aerial Robotic Systems for Environmental Monitoring," American Nuclear Society Spectrum 2002.</p><p> </p><p>"Development of the Auto-Steering Software and Equipment Technology (ASSET)," International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003.</p><p> </p><p>"Intelligent Unmanned Vehicle Systems Suitable for Individual or Cooperative Missions," International Society for Optical Engineering, 2007.</p><p> </p><p>"Using Multiple Unmanned Systems for a Site Security Task," International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009.</p></div>Advanced Vehicleshttps://bios.inl.gov/BioPhotos/Derek%20Wadsworth.jpg<div class="ExternalClassCAAD0DE941E341B4A870AE40B424460D"><p><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pub/derek-wadsworth/48/3a2/864">LinkedIn</a></p></div>Program Manager - Autonomous Systems
