Storage Technology Storage Technology Storage Technology Storage Technology Storage Technology


The Energy Storage Technology Group is involved in multiple federally sponsored programs and projects to develop and enhance the energy, power, and improve diagnostics, prognostics, and predictive capabilities of next generation batteries.  The group has key capabilities in the evaluation and understanding of electrochemical processes across temporal and spatial domains. This includes characterization and analysis using physics-based methods for technologies spanning low TRL to near commercial. The group also has key expertise and capabilities in understanding how interfacial processes including mass and electron transfer are impacted as design and surface parameters change. The group collects, manages, and coordinates complimentary analyses (chemical, electrochemical, morphological, and mechanical) related to electrochemical systems. The group also develops advanced and complementary machine learning and data science techniques for life, performance, and safety predictions along with identification of underlying failure pathways of existing and next-generation batteries.

​Research Contact:  Tanvir Tanim   -   Phone:  (208) 526-5713   -

                                 ​  Eric Dufek   -   Phone:  (208) 526-2132   -
