Critical Parameters for Evaluating Coin Cells and Pouch Cells of Rechargeable Li-Metal Batteries

Chen, Shuru; Niu, Chaojiang; Lee, Hongkyung; Li, Qiuyan; Yu, Lu; Xu, Wu; Zhang, Ji-Guang; Dufek, Eric J.; Whittingham, M. Stanley; Meng, Shirley; Xiao, Jie; Liu, Jun

April 2019 - Lithium (Li)-metal batteries have regained broad interest in the battery research community. Although many studies on Li anode have been published in recent years, it is difficult to evaluate and compare these advances for practical applications. A key challenge is a gap between materials and component properties and the achievable large-format cell-level performance. In this paper, we investigate the critical experimental parameters that determine the cycle number of coin cells to understand the performance variations reported in the literature. To define the range of cell parameters, we exemplify a representative Li-metal pouch cell with specific energy of 300 Wh/kg to provide an effective validation of electrode materials and accurate cell performance evaluations. Based on the pouch-cell-level requirements, we propose a set of coin-cell parameters and testing conditions to expedite the discovery of new materials and their full integration into realistic battery systems.

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